Depression anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. People with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can’t stop worrying about health, money, family, work, or school. In people with Depression anxiety disorder , the worry often is unrealistic or out of proportion for the situation. Daily life becomes a constant state of worry, fear, and dread.
Treating depression naturally -herbal treatment
BRANOLE-X gives you…..
Depression is more than just sadness. People with depression may experience a lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or excessive sleeping, lack of energy, inability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. The difficulty with many mental disorders, it is hard to tell when you need more than just a positive attitude to manage your feelings. Depression is a common problem that many people simply think they need to live with, something they need to ‘tough out’ in order to come out better for it. But this is not necessarily the best treatment plan for this mental illness.
BRANOLE-X increases the brain threshold, so that body can cope up with stress and anxiety. It relieves tension, removes depression and promotes natural sleep with clear awakening. Thus it helps tension ridden, depressed person to work properties. It strengthen and improves the memory and removes the mental exhaustion. This is a brain tonic for all.
Depression is a state of mind which is characterized by a negative sense of inadequacy and a visual lack of activity. It is a mental state in which the effecting person experiences sad feelings of gloom and downturn in mood, which may be relatively transitory and may be due to something complex. The common behavior includes feelings of sadness, despair, low self-esteem, low self-reproach and discouragement.
Depression is a listed mental disorder which includes altered mood; it may occur daily associated with diminished interest or pleasure in most or all of the activities. Depression is like a tree that has many roots!!
The depression-guide is devoted towards helping and assisting people who suffer from the depression, anxiety and related disorders. It also tries its best hand towards support resource for family, friends and loved ones in learning about depression and other anxiety attacks related disorders.
We have compiled and consolidated the latest information on depression (including anxiety, adhd) signs and symptom of depression, depression causes, diagnosis, and depression treatment and cure for teen, adult and child. We have also gathered important information on coping with the personal and social effects of a depression, which can become difficult without the proper knowledge. depression-guide has information on anxiety depression related disorders and medicine library, depression self help, depression support and health care professional, etc.
Ingredients | quantity |
Centella Asiatica | 100 mg |
Withania Somnifera | 50 mg |
Acorus Calamus | 37.50 mg |
Santalum Album | 25 mg |
Glycyrrhiza Glabra | 12.50 mg |
Evolvulus Alsinoides | 25 mg |
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“…I began to feel that I wanted to change to something more natural and better for me. With the guidelines you gave me, I made the transition with very few problems and can truly say that your BRANOLE-X is helping me with each passing day – and I feel much better about it! I can recommend Mind Soothing anytime… naturally!”
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“I have been running a very stressful business for 6 years now and got caught up in the whole clubbing scene and all the vices that accompany that type of lifestyle. The combination of work stress and partying hard took its toll. I was a mess and felt like I needed to take stock of my life. My prayers were answered with non-addictive herbal remedies like BRANOLE-X that acted like shock-absorbers, giving me the time I needed to recover and learn to cope with life’s ups and downs using my own common sense – a big thank you for showing me the way and bringing my life into a sphere of peace and self management. Incredible!”
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“Taking BRANOLE-X has been an absolute savior for me BRANOLE-X has given me my life back, and has given my children their mother back.”
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“ This product has helped me greatly. I’ve been taking it for a little over 2 months and I sleep better and feel better around people than I ever have. Thank you so much for this product! ”
– Brandon, NY, USA
“I had been experiencing social anxiety that was affecting my social life and work. After taking BRANOLE-X for just one week, I feel great and am able to feel relaxed in social situations that I would otherwise want to avoid. No side effects! I am pleasantly surprised!”
– Michelle, NY, USA
“Good afternoon, I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the products I have ordered. The BRANOLE-X is working well for my daughter. I was really struggling with helping her mood swings and hopelessness. I wasn’t sure I believed in natural remedies but I know differently now. It has only been about three weeks and we are starting to get our daughter back. She is happier, less isolated, attending school more regularly and is the loving child we once knew. So again, thank you and I will definitely share my experience with others. Thank you.”
– Denise H.