The terms fibrosis and fibromyalgia refer to painful conditions that are technically not arthritis, there are conditions of the soft tissue, some times referred to as non articular soft tissue rheumatism because joints usually are not affected. Individuals who have these syndromes experience stiffness, unexplained pain around their joints, a generalized feeling of aching, easy fatiqualibility and sleep disturbances. While the patient may describe joint pain, physicians usually do not see swelling of joints during examinations. Some patients describe numbness, tingling and poor circulation. A physician may diagnose fibrositis by locating the existence of tender points throughout the body during a physical examination. Many more women than men have fobrositis. It usually occurs during childbearing years, but seems to be occurring increasingly during the teen years. Many patients with fibrositis say their pains are worse during cool, damp whether or during periods of over exertion, anxiety and emotional stress. Symptoms in some women this worsen during pregnancy and then are relieved after the delivery of the baby. Infections seems to make fibrositis worse. Stress also plays a major role in the disease.
A condition frequently confused with arthritis is bursitis. Bursitis differs from arthritis in that inflammation of the bursa, which are small, fluid filled sacs near joints between muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons. Their function is to reduce friction and help absorb shocks. Bursitis differs from arthritis in that inflammation involves the areas surrounding the joint rather than the joint itself. There are many varieties of bursitis, many of which are known by popular names. For example, pre-pateller bursitis, known as house maid’s knees, is caused by prolonged kneeling on a hard surface and frozen shoulder which is the end result of an untreated form of bursitis of the shoulder.
Tennis/Golfer’s elbow-technically known as lateral/medical epicondylitis- occurs in many people who overuse their arms during athletics, gardening, or other activities. Although the pain may feel similar to arthritis, this condition is not arthritis. Sufferers maym experience pain during hand shaking and lifting light-weight items. The condition consists of inflammation, degeneration of the common extensor tendon and sometimes may involve tendon tearing.
Frozen shoulder-technically known as pericapsulitis or adhesive capsulitis- causes general pain and tenderness as well as loss of motion. Frozen shoulder usually occurs after the age of 40 and often as a secondary problem after a fall or with another type of shoulder condition, diabetes, or inflammatory arthritis. The conditions involves the adherence of the shoulder joint capsule to part of the neck, with the underarm muscles binding to themselves, causing a thickening and contraction or frozen feeling.
Housemaid’s knee-technically known as prepatellar bursitis-may result from frequent kneeling. There may be pain and swelling of the knees, as well and increased tenderness
Baker’s cyst, technically known as political cysts- involves a swelling of the knee with mild or no discomfort initially.However, with full flex-ion of the knee, individual experiences greater discomfort. The condition involves a collection of fluid between the knee joint and the bursa. Politesse cyst sometimes occur after reheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis. injury to the knees. An arthrogram and ultrasound help a physician make a diagnosis.
A subluxation is a complex involving the bones in the joint, the muscles, and the surrounding soft tissue. The complex starts when the bones have gone out of their normal position. One of the ways that this happens is through physical trauma such as a fall or a car accident. Another cause can be stress, due to the muscles tightening up keeping the joint from moving properly. When the bones become slightly misaligned, it limits the ability to move and bend. The area attempts to splint itself to prevent further injury. Abnormal bony growths develop over time such as bone spurs. The muscles also attempt to splint the joint to prevent more injury. They can become tight and spasm-ed on one side of the subluxation and weak and atrophied on the other. Scar tissue results. The surrounding soft tissue will become inflamed and swollen. It will increase in temperature, and blood and fluid will engulf the area. This will also add to the scar tissue. Permanent soft tissue damage may result
The solution to the subluxation complex is a complete assessment in Unani treatment.
The medical term for muscle pain is myalgia. Myalgia occurs in many rheumatic disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and polymyalgia rheumatica and fibromyalgia
This is a relatively rare condition of older people, usually not occurring before the age of 50 years. There is stiffness in muscles of the hips, thighs. shoulders and neck, as well as pain, particularly in the morning, making movement difficult. This disorder affects more women than men
Scleroderma is a disease of the connective tissue and may also affect the joints,skin, blood vessels, and internal organs such as the lungs and kidneys. The word scleroderma means hard skin; most people with this condition develop stiffness and tightness of their skin over their face, arms and fingers. This disease usually starts between age 30 and 50, and affects more women than men.
Few diseases affects as many people as joint and muscle pain and as arthritis, few cause as much pain, disablement and despair. There are more than hundred kinds of a joint, muscle and arthritic diseases. Modern medicine can treat all of the hundred and one and more joint pain or arthritis diseases, but very few are cured.
Only the traditional treatment like Unani successfully cures many of these pain related diseases. The modern European and American Societies today face a peculiar situation, more than 80% of people in that advanced countries of western world are suffering from one form or other kind of joint and muscle pain. Allopathy or modern medicine only treats them without a permanent cure. In USA alone one in every four person are suffering from arthritis or joint pain or general pain related diseases. Arthritis is an expensive disease and in U.S.A it is the nations number one crippling disease. The western society, particularly americans slowly but steadily turning towards traditional medicine in search of a permanent cure. They are not disappointed, luckily they met with successful results, particularly from Unani Herbalism.
Benefits of painazone capsule:
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a crippling ailment that affects young and old making it painful to accomplish even the easiest of every day activities.Symptoms of pain, swelling, stiffness and limitation of joint movement is called arthritis. There are over a hundred forms of arthritis affecting young and old alike. The three most prevalent types of arthritis include:
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
There is no individual who has not suffered form pain, in head, neck, shoulder, elbows, wrists, ankles, hips, knees and back or any other part of the body.Backache & headache are very common in 90% of people.Since ages, joint pain & body pain have been a matter of serious concern. One way or other most people of old age suffer from it. But not only the old, even young people also experience these pains. In younger people it is mostly the aftermath of any serious injury suffered earlier which reoccurs from time to time.
Herbal PAINOZONE – Alternative Joint Pain Capsules
Herbal Capsule for painful joints which gives pain relief within minutes. Containing 8 essential Ingredients PAINOZONE reaches your pain and end it instantly using a deep heating action. Highly effective for backaches, muscular sprains and joint pains. Contains Vacha (alleviates swelling), Castor (alleviates joint pains), Red Pepper (to provide relief from sprains) and Spearmint (alleviates pain and inflammation of muscles and joints).
Other Benefits:
PAINAZONE Herbal Caspule is an exclusive combination of many reputed and time-tested pain relieving herbs and ingredients. It not only treats Pains and Sprains but also takes care of Myositis, Fibrositis,Sciatica, neuron muscular pain and the pain associated with arthritis.
This formulation provides numerous herbal ingredients that support your efforts to end your joint pain.
Inula Helenium
87.50 mg
Zingiber Officinal
50 mg
Ricinus Communis
37.50 mg
Cedrus Deodara
12.50 mg
Tinospora Cordifolia
12.50 mg
Nigella Sativa
12.50 mg
Withania Somnifera
12.50 mg
Colchicum Luteum
12.50 mg
Dosage-One capsule in morning & one capsule in evening with water.
If you suffer from joint and cartilage pain caused by injury, years of participating in sports, aging or a chronic disease like arthritis then PAINAZONE is exactly what you need. PAINAZONE is simply the most powerful all natural and safe solution for joint lubrication, pain relief and the rebuilding of healthy cartilage. PAINAZONE with its many mechanisms of action can give you back the lifestyle you once enjoyed.
PAINAZONE is recommended for:
* Individuals Suffering from Osteoarthritis
* Tendonitis Symptoms and Pain
* Lower Back Pain
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
* Muscle and Joint Pain and Soreness
* Fibromyalgia
* Overall Body Stiffness
* Rheumatoid Arthritis
* Injury Prevention Through the Strengthening of Joint Cartilage
* Maintenance of Joint Lubrication
* Easing Everyday Wear and Tear on Joints
* Athletes Who are Involved in Intense Training Programs
PAINAZONE is the most complete joint health supplement available today.
PAINAZONE helps reduce joint pain and stiffness with all natural and safe ingredients.
PAINAZONE goes way beyond simple glucosamine and chondroitin formulas with clinically substantiated ingredients that are readily bioavailable and easily absorbed.
PAINAZONE multiple mechanisms of action are superior to that of all other formulas aiding overall joint health. PAINAZONE is simply the best Joint Care product.
How long does PAINAZONE take to work?
PAINAZONE may start to work immediately easing pain and lubricating joints but optimal results are usually seen after 3-4 weeks of consistent everyday usage.
Is PAINAZONE similar to the Glucosamine products we see at the local pharmacy?
Yes, in the sense that both are involved in helping the body maintain healthy joints but PAINAZONE with Bio Cell Collagen II is a concentration of many elements including glucosamine. If we consume only single elements involved in the complex process of keeping our joints and other connective tissue healthy we could only expect partial effectiveness. PAINAZONE with its full spectrum of essential elements provides broader nutritional support aiding the overall health of an individual joint.