Increase Sperm Count And Improve Fertility In Men And Women
Benefits of Baby Capsule
The sexual and reproductive organs on the outside of a woman’s body are called the external genitals. There are three openings in the genital area. In front is the urethra, from where urine comes out; below the urethra is the opening to the vagina which is called the introit-us; and the third is the anus from where a bowel movement leaves the body.
The outer genital area is called the vulva. The vulva includes the clitoris, the labia majors and the labia minors. The most sensitive part of the genital area is the clitoris. This is a pea-shaped organ which is full of nerve endings and its only purpose is to provide sexual pleasure. The clitoris is protected by hood of skin, and is the equivalent of the male penis.
The male reproductive system begins in the scrotum, which is the sack behind the penis. This sack contains two testicles, which manufacture a man’s sex cells, called sperm, and the male sex hormone called testosterone. The testicles feel solid, nut little spongy, like hard-boiled eggs without the shell. They hang from cord called the spermatic cord.
The testicles produce sperm best when they are at a temperature, which is a few degrees below the normal body temperature. This is why nature has designed a scrotum – so that the testes can hang outside the body to keep them cool. The testicles start producing sperm when a young man reaches puberty. This is in response to the male sex hormone, testosterone, which starts being produced at this time. The tested keep on producing sperm for the rest of the man’s life.
Today man has achieved tremendous progress in every aspect. Society has become very broad minded, and yet there is no change in the biased approach with the couples without child. A sincere effort is made by Ayurvedic Cures to help some of those couples through BABY Herbal Capsule.With BABY Herbal Capsules, reverses the diminution in physical and mental strengths to ensure strong and healthy generations.Male infertility is a broad and complex subject, this information is intended for only a very general introduction of a very common concern like low sperm count, low motility, weak sperm and abnormal shapes of sperms – for which BABY Herbal Capsules gives very best results.
The main herbal combinations used in Baby Herbal Capsule are:
Asparagus Adscendens
125 mg
Centella Asiatica
125 mg
Withania Somnifera
100 mg
Tribulus Terristis
75 mg
Sida Cordifolia
50 mg
Nigella Sativa
25 mg
All these herbs used in Baby Herbal Capsule are collected from various countries around the world.
How does Baby Herbal Capsule work?
This precise blending of herbs forms a powerfully effective combination guaranteed to stimulate sperms activity, maintain a firm erection and increase sexual pleasure. While the benefits of all of these ingredients have been known for centuries, it’s important to know that clinical studies have backed up these benefits.
Questions & Answers About BABY Herbal Capsule
(1) Is infertility hereditary ?
ANS- In your mother, grandmother or sister has experienced difficulty in becoming pregnant, this does not necessarily mean you will face the same problem! Most infertility problems are not hereditary.
(2) Does a retroverted (“tipped”) uterus causes infertility because the semen can not swim into the cervix?
ANS- About one in five women will have a retroverted uterus. If the uterus is freely mobile, this is normal and is not causes of infertility. Such a condition is not an indication for surgery.
(3) Does stress cause infertility?
ANS- There is no evidence that stress causes infertility. Remember all infertile patients are under stress, it’s not stress, which causes infertility, it’s the infertility, which causes the stress.
(4) I have never had symptoms of a pelvic infection, so I can’t have blocked tubes?
ANS- Many pelvic infections do not cause any symptoms at all, but can nevertheless cause severe damage, which is sometimes irreversible, to the fallopian tubes.
(5) “My gynecologist has carried out an internal examination and said that I am normal; therefor, I should have no problem getting pregnant”?
ANS- A routine gynecological examination does not provide information about possible problems, which can cause infertility.
(6) Should we be having intercourse everyday to have pregnancy?
ANS-Sperm remains alive and active in cervical mucus for 48-72 hours following sexual intercourse; therefore, it isn’t necessary to plan your love making on a rigid schedule. Although having sexual intercourse near the time of ovulation is important, no single day is critical. So, do not be concerned if intercourse is not possible or practical on the day of ovulation.
(7) Can blood group “incompatibility ” between husband & wife cause infertility?
ANS-There is no relation between blood groups and fertility.
(8) How Much Does It Cost?
A: Baby Herbal Capsule is surprisingly inexpensive for all you get. You might expect this amazing product with all these herbs to cost Rs. 5300/- ($106USD) per 60 capsule. One Month Supply.
(9) What Type Of Guarantee Do I Get?
A: Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. We built our business by offering excellent products to happy customers who order from us again and again — customers who feel good about referring their friends to us.
(10)- Is Baby Herbal Capsule effective for every one?
A- A product of Hashmi Ayurvedic Cures, this capsule has proved effective on all of age from 18 to 70 years. This capsule has proved to be a boon for all till date. Satisfaction Guarantee.