Skin diseases affect men, women, and children of all ages and races. These diseases can be very distressing, causing great discomfort, emotional stress and feelings of hopelessness. Inflammatory skin diseases are often disfiguring. Patients with skin disease often shy away from meaningful social relationships.
Inflammatory skin disease is a broad category that includes many conditions, ranging in severity from mild itching to serious medical health complications.
These conditions include:
- Eczema — the itch that never goes away
- Acne — overwhelming, especially among teenagers
- Rosacea — chronic skin disorder primarily affecting the central face
- Many others including psoriasis, contact dermatitis, even poison ivy
We urge increased funding for skin disease research, which would provide improved quality of life for millions of people who suffer from skin disease.
Top Eczema Relief Product
Commander Marham is designed to NATURALLY treat eczema 3 different ways:
1. Reduce Inflammation
2. Control and Soothe itchy skin on contact
3. Moisturize and Heal dry, oozing and cracked skin
Commander Marham acts as the all natural eczema Marham that can help you to get a safe and all natural alternative to cortisone. When you use Commander Marham, you will be able to get a naturally safe formula for long term treatment that is pleasant to use, non greasy, and fast acting at the same time. When you use Commander Marham, you will be able to get no animal testing, and you get the benefit of only the best all natural ingredients designed for your success. It gives you a 10% tincture of cardiospermum, a flowering vine that he has been used for traditional medicine in India and Africa for centuries. And it will help you to eliminate itching and inflammation from eczema, allergies rashes, dry skin, or allergies. Commander Marham is better for 80% of cases used. And it has a natural and pleasant fragrance.
Types of Eczema
Eczema, also called “dermatitis,” is not one specific skin condition. Several types of eczema exist, and sometimes a person develops more than one type. The links below take you to more information about common types of eczema.
- Atopic dermatitis
- Contact dermatitis
- Dyshidrotic dermatitis
- Hand dermatitis
- Neurodermatitis
- Nummular dermatitis
- Occupational dermatitis
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Stasis dermatitis
Discoloration of skin:-
Leucoderma is the area of skin, which has lost its colour, when it occurs without any preceding disease it is called vitiligo. Sometimes it follows burns & injuries. Some women develop it after the use of stick on ‘Bindis’ and after wearing plastic footwear. This loss of colour is due to some chemicals present in the plastics.
Patches of leucoderma can be of variable sizes & shapes. They can occur just about anywhere on the body. In fair individuals, leucoderma often goes unnoticed, but on dark skinned people it can be very visible and causes severe embarrassment. Leucoderma does not cause any health problems it is not contagious or dangerous at all. There are a number of misconceptions regarding the availability of treatment for leucoderma.
With unani herbals, there is actually plenty of hope for vitiligo leucoderma patients. The results with our treatment are excellent. They are more excellent if the treatment is taken early. The patches of leucoderma which occur in areas of the skin which are naturally hairless, like the palms and soles, take long to improve.
Darkening of skin:-
Pigmentation of the skin can be due to a variety of causes. The commonest is the darkening of the forehead, cheeks & chin occurring in chloasma. Chlosama most often occurs in women during pregnancy or in those who are taking birth control pills. It may sometimes also affect men.
The second type of pigmentation is freckling, a problem which is inherited. It is more commonly seen in fair individuals, particularly in those with red hair & blue eyes- so it is common in European & America countries.
Both chloasma & freckling can be treated successfully with unani herbal medications.
The third type of pigmentation is the darkening seen under the eye- these are also cured by natural herbal applications.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the Suggested Use?
Massage topically 2-3 times per day to penetrate into the cell membranes and effectively relieve eczema symptoms. As the condition starts to hea, reduce application to twice daily and then continue nightly to prevent reoccurrence.
Q: Is Commander Marham safe for everyone?
The ingredients in Commander Marham are natural and safe, however, Commander Marham is made for adults only.
Q: Do I need a Prescription for Commander Marham?
No, you do not need a prescription to purchase Commander Marham.
Q: How Long does Each Bottle Last?
Each bottle contains 4.5 fl. oz of Commander Marham, which will last approximately 4 months.
Q: How do I order?
We have a Simple 1-step Verisign Secure, Verified, Hacker Safe checkout that accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover card, and PayPal. Your email address is ALWAYS kept private. We hate unwanted spam as much as you do and will never be a part of it.
Purchase Commander Marham with Confidence. Based on Scientific Clinical Research, it’s Guaranteed to Work.
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